Wednesday, August 17, 2011

four new fighters released for street fighter x tekken

by jose martinez
Capcom Unity posted the new characters revealed at Gamescom for Street Fighter X Tekken!  The new warriors entering the fray are Kuma, Hugo, Raven, and Ibuki.  Some nice additions, and now that the game has been postponed into 2012, it makes you wonder what other fighters will be introduced.  I have only one question...what the heck is Guile doing to Kuma here exactly...Sonic Boom?  Leave your caption in the comments below.  The one that makes me spit milk out of my nose will win a prize.  (Contest ends 9/15/11)

If you are not a blogger member, be sure to leave your Gamertag, PSN ID or some way to contact you in your comment


  1. Charlie! Charlie!!!..... Are you sure he's in there?

  2. My god. Duke Nukem wouldn't have enough balls of steel to stick his head up here.

  3. Not "Fatality", Not "Babality".... "Beastiality"

    "Finish Him... Toss Salad"

    Gt - Griever x360a

  4. In further news the charmin bear was captured by U.S. forces this morning near the Canadian border when a cavity search turned up surprisingly clean.His cover as Smokey the bear was abruptly blown.

    GT: Balaz0rz

  5. Smokey the Bear presents, "Ineffective and Awkward Ways to Prevent Forest Fires"

    GT- xIAznInvasionIx

  6. Jean Claude Van Damme reportedly turned down the role of Guile in the sequel to "Street Fighter: The Movie." And now we know why.

    GT- xIAznInvasionIx

  7. "I can't believe it's not butter..."
