Thursday, September 29, 2011

Who Is The Mysterious Woman Behind the New 52

As I read one amazing story after another and was blown away by incredible artwork, I failed to notice something that almost seemed as if it was looking at me from the pages.  She went mostly unoticed until reading Voodoo, where she makes an obvious appearance.  As I saw her in a darkened alley, covered in a hood and robe, she struck me as odd...and somehow I felt as if I had seen her somewhere before.  Then, panning through the crowd in a bustling saloon in 19th century Gotham City, she peers at you from the crowd in All-Star Western.  This made me go back into all the books, and sure enough like a Where's Waldo puzzle, she makes an appearance in every single one!
This made me go back further and investigate Flashpoint, where she makes a speaking appearance in the last pages of Flashpoint #5 as the Flash tries to right history and go back to his reality.  She speaks to him telepathically and explains that the realities have now been fractured and nothing will be the same.
So, who is this mysterious watcher?  Is she studying this new version of reality to see how it will shape up?  Will she play an active role in events to come?  How does she know of all the fractured realities, and how is she able to transcend time as she goes from Medieval England in Demon Knights to modern day Metropolis in Superman?
Comment below with your theories and let's see if together we can unravel this mystery.  And feel free to flip back through your issues of the New 52 and see if you can find her in all of them!  This is a fun puzzle DC has thrown into this story.


  1. it's a "press to fix, if people dislike the new series curse"

    1. Truth! DC is infamous for resetting or creating Else Worlds to do what it will and experiment.
