Monday, October 24, 2011

HTC Radar Release Date Announced

HTC Radar Windows Phone 7.5
Now that T-Mobile users have the Mango 7.5 update available on their HD7 devices, Windows Phone brings another choice to the plate.  This is the slightly smaller and sexy HTC Radar releasing on November 2nd in the US.  While waiting for developments on the Nokia/Windows front, this appears to be the only new choice to T-Mobile customers wanting to upgrade their Windows Phone experience.  While smaller in stature, this new HTC device provides some key upgrades not found in the HD7 model.  These new features include 4G (HSPA+21) Network speeds, HTC Watch compatibility, WiFi sharing, a front facing camera and of course comes packaged with the 7.5 Update.  While the entire phone itself is smaller than the HD7's screen and it doesn't sport one of the fancy new dual core processors, the sleek white design and these great new core features make it a desirable upgrade for any Windows Phone aficionado.  Stay tuned for a full hands on review shortly after the Radar's November 2nd release.

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