Sunday, June 5, 2011

Elvis0fTheDead Invades E3

by Jose Martinez

Well, it's that time of the year again when the biggest show in all of gaming lands in LA. This year will mark the first year that I get to attend this prestigious event, and as I ready for my flight tomorrow, I'm not thinking I will be getting much sleep...

The show's floor-plans have been printed and all vendors marked. I plan on a whirlwind nerdgasm the likes of which I have never experienced. This is a big ticket item being removed from my bucket list. Just think, if I get to meet Sir Shigeru Miyamoto at some point, that will make two in one trip! There are other people I hope to meet or shake hands with while there. Leo Laporte from the TWiT network will be there, as well as Cliff Bleszinski, Larry Hyrb (Xbox Live's Major Nelson) and the gorgeous Bridgett O'Neal (the Kinect Show) among others.

As far as what games and consoles I'm most interested in getting my hands on? Where do I start? I suppose the obvious choice is Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Also on my radar are Bioshock Infinite, Rage, Kinect Star Wars, Darksiders 2, Tomb Raider, Street Fighter X Tekken, Drake 3, the WiiHD, Experia Play, Gears of War 3, Kid Icarus, Assassin's Creed, Battlefield 3, and so much more my mind is numb!

I will be live tweeting on my Twitter feed @Elvis0fTheDead and updating this as I get a chance. For now, I will attempt sleep and prepare for my flight into LA tomorrow...

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