Sunday, September 4, 2011

Attack The Block, The Best Movie You Never Heard Of

Some friends coaxed me over today to watch a film that I was not aware existed.  They told me it was from the producers of one of my all time favorites, Shaun of the Dead and featured aliens and Nick Frost.  Upon hearing that, I needed no further coercion.  Little did I know that I was going to be in for such an amazing film.  Attack the Block is the story of a savage alien invasion falling upon a British ghetto and finding their ultimate match in some riotous thug teens.  This movie offers some awesome creature effects, amazing fun and an incredibly funny script.  It had a vastly limited theatrical release in the US which is a real shame.  The inner city versus outer space theme is incredibly well portrayed and the kids are absolutely cool.  Had this film launched nationwide, I have a feeling it may have been a runaway hit.  Find some way to watch it, and enjoy.

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