Thursday, September 8, 2011

Review of the New 52

Let's face it, the economy is hard nowadays and it's hard to find the cash to purchase 52 new comics when you are unsure of what you'll get.  Here, Multiples 0f Zero will do the legwork for you and read through the entire set of the New 52 and let you know which are the new classics and which are the stinkers, so sit back, relax and enjoy...

We begin with the first title released in the series


This is a solid read with some amazing pencils from industry legend Jim Lee and excellend writing from Geoff Johns.  As Batman attempts to fight crime while being pursued by Gotham police, he comes accross the Green Lantern who wants to assemble the team.  Can Batman and Big Blue square off differences to fight together?  PICK IT UP!
Beautiful pencils by Rags Morales bring the Man of Steel to life in the first issue of an American classic.  While Grant Morrison's writing seems a bit fragmented at times during the narrative, this re-envisioning of Superman is a breath of fresh air for the series.  With an all-american country boy new look featuring a t-shirt, work boots and blue jeans, Superman fights to bring justice back to the City of the Future.  A solid story line is introduced and you are left waiting for the next issue to arrive.  PICK IT UP!
The art by Travel Foreman seems barren, almost as if all color saturation had been drained, yet is somehow beautiful and a perfect style for the more muted and adult style of Jeff Lemire's storytelling.  The story of Animal Man is one which finds a hero trying to juggle life and duty and much inner turmoil.  One of the darker reads in the set with an ending that leaves you wanting for more as you want to find the secret of the Red.  PICK IT UP!
With solid pencils by Ardian Syaf and a gripping story by Gail Simone, Batgirl is a bit heavier read than expected.  Dealing with getting back into crime fighting three years after the Joker paralized her, Barbara Gordon has to face some inner demons and conquer her fears as she dons the cowl for the first time.  Meanwhile a new menace named mirror brings a bit of a Final Destination vibe to the story as he roams the city killing those who have escaped death and Barbara is on his list.  PICK IT UP!
A dark and bloody narrative by Judd Winick flows with some incredibly gorgeous artwork by Ben Oliver as Batwing tries to bring law and justice into a war torn Africa and meets a psychopath named Massacre who wants nothing but to kill everyone and falls into a mystery involving Africa's first super heroes.  This is a must read with a cameo from Batman as Batwing begins anew.  PICK IT UP!
In it's first ever re-boot, detective comics comes out swinging with two of the greatest icons in the DC universe.  As Batman tries to stop the Joker from another murderous spree, he has to not only deal with his nemesis but also with a police force bent on bringing him down.  But as is par for the course with the Joker, all is not as it seems and a deeper, darker motive lies behind his outlandish actions.  This is a great read from Tony S. Daniel and Ryan Winn.  This one is already hard to find and is sure to be the most collectible in the series.  PICK UP IF YOU CAN FIND IT!!
This book by J.T.Krul and Dan Jurgens feels average from begining to end.  Neither the art or the story are very inspiring, but very run of the mill comic book fare.  Not that it's bad, just not great when compared to so many stellar book in this New 52 release.  PICK IT UP/PUT IT DOWN...MEH
A buddy comic with a flimsy plot, it's hard to fall in love with the protagonists of the series, especially when they are penciled by one of comic's greatest jokes, Rob Liefield.  Lackluster execution on character design, backstory and art make this a tough read.  Unless you are trying to collect all 52 number ones, steer clear of this stinker.  PUT IT DOWN!
The world has lost faith in it's governments and security.  In this time of turmoil, the UN decides to bring together a Justice League that will represent world government in defense of the people for some positive PR.  Booster Gold is assigned to a hopscotch team of heroes from around the world and it's impossible to tell if keeping the team together or fighting a terrible threat from underground will be the hardest job.  Luckily Batman makes an appearance to lend a helping hand.  Pretty fun read by Dan Jurgens, Aaron Lopresti and Matt Ryan.  PICK IT UP IF YOU HAVE EXTRA $$
This is the story of regular soldiers stepping into the field of battle in a world in which super humans exist, and a tough mission going south for Corporal Rock and his elite unit when one intervenes with their Black op.  This was a great read, and I would recomend it to anyone with a military background that enjoys comics, although it's a very niche group.  It also features a second short story titled Navy Seals, Human Shields.  PICK UP IF YOU HAVE EXTRA $$$
O.M.A.C. #1
This comic from Dan Didio, Keith Giffen and Scott Koblish looks and feels old school.  With artwork reminiscent of the great Jack Kirby and action much like his old Hulk comics, this issue brings massive destruction and mayhem from a cybernetic juggernaut.  As O.M.A.C. tears through Cromus Industries to unveil a secret which a voice inside his head is driving him toward he levels all obstacles in his path.  What secrets will be revealed?  Only time will tell.  PICK UP IF YOU HAVE EXTRA $$
This is a lighthearted teen hero comic with a feel much like reading an issue of Spider-Man.  The art looks as fun and vibrant as the writing and really makes this a smooth read.  As Static tries to make a new home in the Big Apple, he gets involved with a group of villains that is much more dangerous than he can imagine.  Can his one-liners and self confidence be enough for what is to come?  I can't wait for issue #2.  PICK UP IF YOU HAVE EXTRA $$
Paul Cornell and Miguel Sepulveda bring this first instalment of Stormwatch, while it seems like a good title, it feels confusing due to the fact that it directly ties into events from Superman #1 which unfortunately will not launch until September 28th.  Until we know what transpires in that issue, it's hard to get into the events unfolding here.  PICK UP LATER
As live things die and dead things rise, Swamp Thing has a very horror feel to it.  With cameos from Batman and Aquaman and an appearance by Superman, this one has star power.  The world needs Swamp Thing to return and figure out what's causing worldwide catastrophes, but is he ready to make a return?  Great dark art and writing from Scott Snyder and Yanick Paquette.  PICK UP IF YOU HAVE EXTRA $$

Stay tuned to Multiples 0f Zero for more reviews as the rest of the New 52 launch

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