Thursday, February 16, 2012

Windows Phone News

Hey gang, here are a few recent nuggets about my personal favorite mobile OS:
Facebook got a Facelift!  Check out the update to the Facebook app.  Not that you need it much being that it's completely integrated into the phone, but if you are one that prefers to use apps, the new improvements to the UI should be a welcome change.  For the full details go here: *LINK*
Easy Gamerscore Booster! Downloaded the game Collapse! recently as the deal of the week and completed all 200GS within a couple of hours.  I came nowhere near to completing the game, so if you're looking for a quickie for the max GS, this is a good one which is also enjoyable. *LINK*
Awesome Deal of the Week!  This weeks DoW is amazing!  If you haven't tried Gravity Guy, give it a whirl.  For $1.99, you can't miss. *LINK*
Last but Not Least! Paul Thurrott wrote a really comprehensive article about Windows 8, he is pretty much the Windows Genius.  Check it out here, it's more on the PC side of things but there are many great articles on his site.  *LINK*
Also, feel free to use the GIF as you please as it's approved for use by Microsoft.  Originally shared here: *LINK*

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