Saturday, January 28, 2012

Cool Tidbits From the Kinect Revolution

If you own a Kinect, then you know that it's far  more than just a kid's gaming gimmick.  While most games for it are child-centric, the device offers many functionalities that take it well beyond gaming hardware.  I feel cheated when I can't tell my living room TV to pause a video, or change the channel.  Once you get used to controlling an entire echo system with your voice, it feels as if you are living in the future and it's hard to go back to using your hands.  Here are some really cool Kinect stories I've seen floating around the web that show some of the future possibilities powered by Kinect:

The Holodeck is closer to being a reality than ever imagined.  Engandget has been reporting some really cool holagraphic technologies.  How about controlling your Android smartphone on a projection on the wall?  Or creating full 3D renderings with your Windows Phone?  Or even a complete virtual theme park in Korea?  All these things are real and could be closer to becoming available to the masses than you may think.

Check out programming4fun's cool video:

Or this video posted by DDRBoxman controlling an Android phone via Kinect and a projector:

How about integrating your Windows Phone with playing Kinect games on the 360:

Click the image below for the Engadget article about the Korean Kinect theme park:

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