Wednesday, January 18, 2012

This SOPA thing is scary...

I don't know about you, but I find this whole SOPA thing frightening...

As I've tried to browse the internet today, I found many of the sites that I frequent blocked by the US government, and many more blacked out in protest.  I felt as if I was being can a source of infinite knowledge and sharing, a wild west with no boundaries, suddenly be silenced in a way that makes it feel so barren and cold?
If this is what big dollars are paying the government to do, then this is not a future I want.  I was already banned in the US and Germany for posting my best friend's bachelor party on Youtube because of the soundtrack.  A soundtrack spliced together of music from a show we paid for and went to.  To think not being able to use anything you didn't create yourself in such a public forum is unfathomable.  Just thought I'd post my opinion on this whole thing.  This is a free country, after all.  The web should be kept free as well.  Coming from a family that fled Cuba from communism, and moving from Venezuela to miss it there myself, a government controlled internet is a future I would like to escape again.
As an artist, I view the internet as a way to get my work out to the masses, and encourage anyone to use any of the work I've crafted.  In the end, "pirates" are just fans and probably line the pockets of the man trying to block them far more than those who don't share their passions online.  The man should begin to consider the "pirate" as free advertising and let those of us who love what we love continue sharing and perhaps creating new fans to line their greedy pockets.

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