Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Gaming Journal 1/1/2012

This new year brings a fresh idea.  Starting today, I will document gaming activity and achievements within games to track progress and maybe lend a hand to those stuck somewhere that I have been able to complete.  So here goes my first journal entry on the first day of 2012:

Game played Mario Kart 7: Time logged 1:11
Today I finished all cups in 50cc with 1st place and unlocked the ability to use my Mii as a racer.
Also unlocked were the following racing mods by coin collecting:

  • Cloud 9 Body
  • Egg 1 Body
  • Slick Wheels
  • Mushroom Wheels
  • Paraglider
Attempted 150cc races, but only got silver on the Mushroom Cup.  This is going to be a tough go as it seems the computer teams up to crush you at 150cc.

Game Played BlayzBloo-3DS: Time Logged about two minutes
Downloaded it from the eShop for $4.99 and just gave it a whirl for a sec.  Seems fun so far, I'm hoping you can unlock more characters.  The game play is really shallow.  I was hoping for more of a Smash Bros. experience.  I recommend waiting on a price drop on this title.

Slow gaming day as I worked most of it.  I'm about to try the UDraw tablet on the 360 for the first time.  I'm pretty excited about this one :)

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