Sunday, January 1, 2012

Tech Predictions Sure to be Wrong for 2012

Happy 2012 everyone!  I hope 2011 was good to you and the new year brings many amazing things!  With all the news and innovations in 2011, it made me wonder what's to come...I submit to you my list of Seven tech predictions for the last year on earth according to the Mayans.  If we make it as a species, it will be fun to look back on this and see how wrong some of these might be.  Join the time capsule and post your predictions, tech or not, in the comments and let's see if we have Nostradamus in our midst.
  1. RIM will stop production of Tablets and Smart phones and become a software only provider and begin to regain profits.
  2. Windows Phone will gain HUGE market share with the introduction of Windows 8 tablets, which will raise demand by creating a better environment with PC, XBOX, tablet and phone.
  3. Sony and Microsoft will announce a new console, probably at the E3 conference in June.
  4. 3D TV's, as they are now, will become passe and will only be invigorated by an affordable glasses-free tech, that's available on a big screen.
  5. Nintendo will release six new colors of 3DS systems by year's end to add to the four already available.
  6. Shigeru Miyamoto will officially announce retirement, thus crushing many fanboys souls.
  7. I will finally catch all 649 Pokemon, just in time for the announcement of a NEW game in the series.
Well, that's it for this installment, I hope to get some good replies!  This will be a fun one to look back on...

1 comment:

  1. Bioshock: Infinite will be named game of the year...
    We will not see Master Chief's face in Halo 4.
    Gta 5 will bring back many familiar faces and change multi player as we know it.
    Team Sensation will go camping.
