Saturday, May 26, 2012

Pokemon Conquest and gamestop are teaming up to bring it this June

Pokemon Conquest is now incredibly close!  With a US release date of June 16th this game really snuck up since it's announcement earlier this year.  This strategy RPG will blend Pokemon with Nobunaga's ambition like it has never been done before in an all new Pokemon experience.  As the game draws near, some tasty morsels of information have come forth.
The first is a message on the official site,, which talks about upcoming downloable episodes and content via Nintendo WFC.
The second is a pre-order announcement from Gamestop detailing a way to have ten Pokemon under your command from the start of the game.  If you pre-order by June 16th and pick up your game by June 26th you will gain access to Emolga, Lapras, Pikachu, Riolu and Scyther.  If you are a Power-Up member, you can cash in 1,000 points to gain access to another five: Axew, Beldum, Darmanitan, Larvitar, and Sneasel!

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