Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Netflix Coming to the 3DS Sooner Than you Think

Just when the world was ready to hunt down and destroy Netflix with pitchforks and torches, the Italian Plummer comes to the rescue.  Nintendo announced today that the long awaited Netflix support for the Nintendo 3DS in the US is coming tomorrow, July 14.  According to reports from Joystiq, Engadget and NintendoLife tomorrow's system update for the 3DS Marketplace will include Netflix integration.  These news come hot on the heels of the new Netflix pricing structure that would double the price of the service if you want to continue unlimited use of streaming and movies by mail (article HERE).  This raises some interesting questions for this unique platform.  Will Netflix provide streaming content in 3D for the handheld?  This would be an amazing selling point for the device and the service as so many children's movies are being released in the 3D format.  No word on 3D content  is available right now.
With the 3DS's already robust web browser and now Netflix, it seems like the lack of quality games on the system may be forgiven until the first party explosion later this year.  The Netflix streaming service will be available to use via the Nintendo 3DS's WiFi connection and will be available for free for Netflix subscribers.  Does this put out some of the fires of the new rates?  How will this service put a strain on the handheld's already low battery life?  Stay tuned.  News and a review once it becomes available tomorrow.

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