Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Activision Hits You Upside the Head With Love and Freebies

Zombie Apocalypse
More than nine months after the launch of Call of Duty: Black Ops, Activision is rewarding it's loyal COD following with some great free content.  If you purchased Black Ops in it's Hardened or Prestige package, you're in for a real treat.  On August 23rd Activision released the Rezurrection Multiplayer Maps.  These maps are 100% Zombie themed and feature the exciting new level, Moon.  This pack will set you back 1,200MSP, that is unless you are the lucky Hardened or Prestige gamer.  In this case, the maps are absolutely FREE!
Activision is not stopping there.  They are also giving you a free Moon Premium Theme for your dashboard and a free Call of Duty: Zombies soundtrack that features three new tracks.  
This and Nintendo's 3DS 20 free games initiative are shining examples of how companies SHOULD reward early adopters that shell out extra dough initially and who are the true fans.  Many kudos.  Click HERE for details on how to get your free stuff.

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