Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Buffy meets Suda 51

by jose martinez
One of my favorite game makers, Suda51, announced on Twitter his newest project with a debut trailer at Gamescom in Germany this week.  His Tweet takes you to Gamespot's Gamescom coverage of his latest Grasshopper Manufacture project.  This new project is called Lollipop Chainsaw, and looks to be quite deliciously violent.  Imagine the story of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, now replace Vampires with zombies; replace stakes with a massive chainsaw; replace Joss Whedon with Suda51's twisted mind; and replace blood and gore with sparkles and rainbows and you know where this rabbit hole is headed.  Pictures are worth a thousand words, so enjoy the debut trailer and hang on tight for it's PS3 and Xbox360 release in 2012.  Also, follow Juliet Starling (the protagonist) on Twitter to see what she's up to!

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