Saturday, August 20, 2011

HP Cuts Costs and the Thinkpad get Slashed

by jose martinez

This has been a strange week of headlines for HP.  First, they are announced as the number two online retailer in the US, then they say that the PC market is dead, then HP announced on the 18th that it would no longer be involved in the PC market or anything that utilizes Web OS.  So, what this all means now is that they will no longer produce HP PCs, laptops, devices like the Pre 3, or any of their shiny and new Touchpads but will remain in the printer market.  This, of course, caused an immediate reaction in the stock market, dropping HP's stock by 20%.  What's the silver lining in all of this?  Well, if you are in the market for a new tablet, this might be the time to get one as retailers are slashing the prices on the Touchpad and relegating them into the bargain bin.  The massive drops should be coming to the US soon, but Canada has already dropped the price on these devices to $99 for the 16GB model and $150 for the 32GB with the 64GB's price staying unaffected.  HP's own website already has them at this price, but shows that they are out of stock.  Of course you would be buying new but dead technology, meaning that the app marketplace and support would be nonexistent, but if you needed something cheap to watch videos on, or something to keep your kids away from your iPad, this might be a great option.   

Sources: Twit, Engadget

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